Saturday, 23 February 2013


Very few people tell barefaced lies. That either takes a lot of courage or a lot of self-deception. Many of us, though, are guilty of misleading by omission. We conveniently forget to mention things, especially when we know that we are likely to get an awkward reaction if we do say anything. So sometimes, we allow people to jump to conclusions that really, deep down, we know they ought not to stick with, a misunderstanding needs to be set straight.
Good musicians often find when they duet together, that their performances improve in each other's company. In the field of sport too, it is well known that participants excel when teamed up with others of a similar or higher standard. This time, life is asking you to raise your game. You must do it, even if you are not fortunate enough to have someone nearby who is providing the encouragement. Indeed, it may be that the best thing you can achieve now, is simply to help someone else to raise their game.
They say that, 'things happen for a reason.' But sometimes, too, things don't happen for a reason. Even when we want them to happen, even when we feel that they really ought to be happening, even when we are striving with all our might to make them happen, we may just have to accept that our lack of success is directly related to some greater future triumph that we will only arrive at if we first go through this particular fallow phase. A source of frustration, this weekend, may yet turn out to be a cause for celebration.Those who purport to be wise, often advise others to avoid 'short-term strategies'.
 They say we should not focus so intently on our immediate needs that we fail to make suitable provision for the likely eventual consequences of our actions. All very sensible. But life is not a long-term experience! We are all here for only a short while. Be careful, this time, not to talk yourself out of seizing the moment due to a fear of the future. Here comes your chance to make the most of a rather rare and wondrous opportunitySome of us are fiery; others are placid. None of us are immune to changing moods and all of us, under the right circumstances, can experience dramatic shifts in moments. We can go from happiness to sadness (and the other way around!) in a nanosecond. One piece of news can do it. One conversation. An issue has been eroding your sense of contentment for a long time. Understandably, you suspect that it may be an equally long time before your confidence returns. So, how was it for you? Did the earth move? Will you never forget that Valentine's Day for the rest of your life? If not, fear not. Many more wonderful romantic opportunities await you over the course of the coming months. Indeed, some of the most magical moments will arise as a direct result of recent trials and tribulations. Problems that eventually give rise to real reasons to celebrate aren't actually problems at all! And that doesn't just apply to matters of the heart.
You like surprises, but you are actually quite particular about what you will allow yourself to be surprised by. There are some positions that you just don't put yourself in. Some risks that you are careful never to take. How does that sit then with the idea of - as adventurous explorers, brings your chance to change a situation that has been stale for too long. Are you going to take it?
Purists insist that tea tastes much better when made in a pot. They complain that the invention of the tea bag was the worst thing that ever happened to this noble beverage. It also eradicated, at a stroke, a great fortune telling tradition. How can even the best clairvoyant read someone's tea leaves, if there aren't any in the bottom of a cup? Happily, you don't need such skills to ascertain what is brewing in your life. Several intriguing events are due. They will yet turn out to be just your cup of tea. Have you ever met anyone quite like you? No, neither have I! I mean yes, I know, you  have something in common with millions of other people. Yet you are different. Those traits are superficial. Deep within you are unique. So how then, can it possibly be right to waste energy, in worrying about how your situation compares to someone else's? Never mind who else has got what. Just look at what you have got. How much of it there is and how much you now have to be glad of. 
 The question is not, 'What's happening?' It is, 'What do you wish were happening?' The universe intends  to meet your every need. That doesn't mean that you can expect all your prayers to be answered and all your wishes to be fulfilled. There are some things the cosmos just can't do as swiftly and easily as you might wish. There are other things that it possibly can do but it can't really believe that this is actually what you seriously want. Trust that if something isn't happening, there is a good reason for this.   The Old Testament tells of a tribe who were trying to build a tower. They were suddenly cursed with an inability to understand each other. From that day forth, the world's different languages emerged. Maybe it is true. But human beings are perfectly capable of failing to hear what is being said to them, even when the words are very definitely being expressed in their own tongue. Just give us a stick and we will get hold of the wrong end of it. Yet this time you can clear up an old confusion.  Good morning. Sweet words from Jonathan Cainer.

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