Wednesday, 20 February 2013


 Why do others seem to live easier lives? Because they are other people! They don't have your high standards, they don't share your aspirations, they are not made of the same stuff. So they settle for less. Their idea of a satisfactory outcome is your idea of a mediocre result. So, for all your strength and presence of mind, you are vulnerable. You can more easily end up feeling disappointed, flummoxed or frustrated. And when that happens, what do you do? You rise magnificently to the challenge,What kind of people potentially become our worst enemies? The people who were once our best friends! And often the folk who we suspect of working most fervently against our most precious interests, are actually doing us the most substantial favours. And those who seem to be supporting us in our hour of need? Well, there may be times when  they are actually encouraging us to pander to our own weaknesses. It might be time to think again about how a relationship is working.
 Future is a scary word there is nothing terrifying than taking first step,most fulfilling time when we do what we wanted to do. Set yourself up to the future you want and do not wait for favourable time,time is now to start anything! Dreams do not work unless you do. Are you safe? Are you protected? Can nobody get at you? Or do you feel exposed and vulnerable? Are you only too keenly conscious of things that could go wrong at any moment? Or problems that just keep recurring? Something has to be done! But what might that 'something' be? Well, to begin with, you have got to make a firm resolution to stop worrying. Whatever else you do (or don't do) you will gain no advantage from indulging in any of that. 
Next, you need to get practical. Then stick with that plan On that strict understanding, let us proceed. You are currently feeling more defensive than you need to be. You are worrying more than you ought to about the information that others may have about you. Actually, it really is safe to relax! Does progress seem to be grinding to a halt? Do you feel as if you are turning in ever-decreasing circles? Can you hardly believe the amount of delay and impediment that you are encountering and the frustration that this is giving rise to. And do you half fear that all this is likely to get worse? Let's stop right there. However bad things may be, they are not that bad. Whatever trouble you may face, it is not that deep. 
If you are turning, it is because you are at a turning point. All you need to do is learn one simple lesson. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life.Does progress seem to be grinding to a halt? Do you feel as if you are turning in ever-decreasing circles? Can you hardly believe the amount of delay and impediment that you are encountering and the frustration that this is giving rise to. And do you half fear that all this is likely to get worse? Let's stop right there. However bad things may be, they are not that bad. Whatever trouble you may face, it is not that deep. If you are turning, it is because you are at a turning point. All you need to do is learn one simple lesson. someone who thinks that you think of them as an adversary. The tone is highly conciliatory, respectful and deferential. It amounts to a heartfelt plea for peace, understanding, mutual respect and genuine co-operation. And I have to say, it sounds very sincere. I expect you will receive your own version of this missive shortly.  Everybody want to know what the destiny has in store?. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life.Look over there.
 A man is dragging a woman backwards by her hair. We must race to her rescue and force the brute to unhand her. Oh, wait... She was stepping out into the traffic, just inches from an oncoming fast car. He had seen the incident and with impressive speed of response pulled her back to safety by the first thing he could catch hold of. Or was the car really speeding? Was that just his cover story? The longer you look at the details surrounding a sensitive situation now, the harder it is to know what to make of it. So go slowly.
What's that whirring noise? It seems to be coming from somewhere near the ceiling.  it's a fan! Now, what is that somewhat unpleasant odour? Are you really that close to the awkward moment in your life when push comes to shove, trouble bubbles to a head and items that ought to be processed by the plumbing are inadvertently channelled toward the ventilation unit, actually you aren't - or I would not be speaking so playfully. It is just that you think you are or fear you are.
 Let go of that concern. Excuse me one moment, have you got a licence for that body you are walking around in? Can you prove that it is yours? Are you quite sure that you are not an alien who has suddenly taken up residence in a human form, banishing the existing occupant to some far-flung corner of the cosmos and now brazenly adopting their lifestyle and mannerisms? You would deny it of course - but then, you would wouldn't you? Some suggestions  are too ridiculous to contemplate. Don't waste your time with those. 
There are always moments when we think, 'Is this worth it?' We think such thoughts, even when we do exemplary, wonderful, things. The world's highest achievers and most accomplished experts doubt themselves from time to time. It is a healthy and appropriate process, without which life lacks vital checks and balances.  But whether you should keep on constantly questioning that situation. Probably you shouldn't!The future starts here. But that's not where it ends. You can't start looking at what's right in front of you and believing that you can see within it, all that it will ever lead to. The possibilities are so much wider and more inspiring than that. While you owe it to yourself to push back the boundary, jump over the barriers and think about your tomorrow as if it were the very best friend of your greatest need today. Don't limit yourself or your imagination. Set yourself free from a fear. Wish you could fulfil more of your potential?We are here for limited days so spend each day either soaked in worries or be grateful for whatever you are gifted by god. God is beautiful and beauty is an ornament,look what is beautiful in self and others and forget rest and enjoy whatever you have!----------Jonathan 

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