Tuesday 12 February 2013


Life is a school where we learn from,if you want to add something new in your life-you have to prepare afresh. What you have began and what you done and how? Life is like climbing a mountain where we think we have reached at peak where as we had covered only a rise and not real mountain. Real mountain is still to cover,new findings and new insights aid us to see things we had never seen before. To see self on the top of the mountain we have to continue our journey.We  went through the same experiences many times in real life as life is like a spherical circle and we go round and round experiencing same experiences.To finally reach the peak we have to put extra efforts. There are a range of mountains to cover one by one to reach the real one-top.We need extra ordinary talents,loyalty and commitment to self to  reach the summit.
Many of us pressed to limits inbuilt or exteriors adversities and drop either the idea and set new goals. To be real fighter we need firm determination, commitment,patience, encouragement and real contributions. Real life issues,pains and hopes are chains of mountains to cover beforehand to reach summit. These tests test our insights,powers and determination. Our pains are real not imaginary,our complaints are solid and reasonable to be sorted out and we have to work on it to fill the gap of painful relations.

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