You suspect you know why a problem keeps occurring. Yet you are not so sure about the best medicine to apply. You can't just wave a magic wand and put everything right. And you rightly suspect that all other solutions will have side-effects. Yet you cannot sit around and do nothing - especially when you are so keenly aware of what's wrong. What you need is just one more insight. you won't just have a solution; you'll have a positive new direction to take.Sometimes you understand the idea of actions having consequences but how can you reap a harvest that was sown in some previous lifetime? If you can't even remember what it is that you did or if, indeed, you even did it, how can it be appropriate to accept either a punishment or a reward? Will thus remain forever destined to suffer frustration.We all like the things that are no good for us. We all have some unhealthy habits and our perverse preferences. We also know that once we start giving things up, we can go on forever. The glow of the halo above the renunciate's head soon starts to fade once it becomes clear that there's more to be abstained from. So, is there any point at all in seeking an improvement now? Absolutely! One small step could yet make an enormous difference. But a small step is the only kind of step you need to make now.
If there is someone you love, allow yourself to love them. If there is someone you trust, allow yourself to trust them. And if there is someone you are not sure of? Don't allow this to become the reason why you refuse to respect a word they ever say. Many things can explain an odd reaction to a particular person. It may say as much about a failing on our part, as a fault in theirs. Be a little generous with the benefit of the doubt sometime.
There will always be trouble of one kind or another. That will never change. You can, though, have some choice over the particular kind of trouble you end up in. You can also decide how seriously you want to take it. Usually, things become toughest for us when we try to establish definitive answers to difficult questions. Complicated issues are often best left defused, but unresolved. You can stabilise your situation now and get to the point where a potential problem is no longer posing a threat. What more than that do you need?.How late is too late? You feel that something ought to have happened ages ago. You can't quite believe that you're still waiting for someone to make a commitment, or recognise an obvious truth. It has been so long since you asked the universe to help you bring about a change that you have almost forgotten why you wanted it to come about. But you do still want it and there is still plenty of time to benefit from it.
Every body has misgivings, uncertainties and anxieties. That's natural, even healthy. But it doesn't mean you should reject a gift or an invitation.When scientists set out to test hypotheses, they seek 'statistically significant' success rates. They do not care about the odd fluke or flash in the pan. They are interested only in results that can be replicated. Yet some of the most amazing things in this world are the experiences that come and go quite randomly, without apparent explanation. Who knows whether what feels right to you now will always feel right - far less ever be proved to be right. But as you know in your heart, it's right for right now!/You suspect you know why a problem keeps occurring. Yet you are not so sure about the best medicine to apply.. Events occurs and you won't just have a solution; you'll have a positive new direction to take. Swans appear to glide with such grace. Yet in reality, their feet are paddling like crazy just below the waterline. It is an illusion.
The world is full of things that we can't see. Some are definitely there and others... well, seeing isn't always believing and believing isn't always seeing. But that doesn't stop you from slipping smoothly towards success with the choices you make. We all like to feel appreciated. When other people can clearly see that there is something good about us and they are not afraid to say so, it gives us a nice warm feeling. But we like it better if others admire a quality that we feel justly proud of. And we feel a little odd if it seems as if we are gaining recognition for some action that we regret or some attribute that we may even be slightly ashamed of. You may feel that the appreciation you are attracting now, is misguided.
You know what's wrong, why can't you fix it? If you don't know, why can't you find out? What's the big problem? Where is the insurmountable obstacle? There is a difficulty, for sure. It is not imaginary, it is real. But it is not bigger than you. You are bigger than it. It cannot and will not defeat you unless, somehow, you take it so seriously that you lose your cool, and thus your sense of perspective. Stay calm and become clear. There is a way forward from here. Don't resent it when you see it, just follow it, you continue to stand on the threshold of great achievements. You are making things happen. You are pushing for change. You are summoning your willpower and wrestling with all the forces that can so often stand in the way of success. And is it working? Hey! Give it time! That's the thing about persistence; you have to carry on persisting! You are doing better than you think, even in the areas of life where you suspect that you are not doing very well at all.
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