Thursday 9 January 2014

Are you surrounded by fools and nincompoops? Let us hope not, for if that were to be the case, we would have to question your own judgement in allowing yourself to enter such a social situation. And there would be another good reason to doubt the veracity of such a statement, even if you were encountering some examples of thoughtless behaviour. Amongst those in your vicinity, are several who admire you deeply and respect you greatly. In that opinion, they are not mistaken. Give them, and yourself, more credit.Aren't guilt and shame best thought of as utterly futile emotional states? What good do they do? They cannot, no matter how intently they are felt, help to turn back the clock. Surely they are just vessels that carry the pain of the past forward to the future. Of course they have purpose and relevance, if there is truly something to feel regretful and apologetic about. But what great crime have you committed? There is no secret so powerful that might ruin everything if it were ever to come to light?People who act as if they have all the answers, generally turn out to be the folk who are asking all the wrong questions. Of course, we all prefer certainty to doubt but the wisest among us recognise the value of a mystery and the importance of an enigma. We should be glad of what confuses us and grateful for all that we fail to understand. Somewhere, in a part of your world that seems baffling and bewildering, there is the seed of an idea that could yet radically alter everything for the better for you But 'easier' is not the same thing as easy. You are now at a point where apparently the easiest thing of all would be to abandon an ambitious objective and resign yourself to a just-about-comfortable compromise. Do the latter, by all means but not the former. You are entitled to some rest and respite on the long journey that you have recently embarked upon. Regain your strength and you will regain your enthusiasm.

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