Friday 23 May 2014

If you are doing something that you know how to do, how much help do you require? You may well still need a little assistance. Some moral support never goes amiss and often, even experienced operators do better if the atmosphere lends itself to greater concentration..Attitudes alter. Standards evolve. Activities that seemed entirely acceptable once upon a time are now frowned on or even pilloried by a more enlightened society. That's just one reason why it is always wise to keep close to the cutting edge of such change. Fairytales, it often seems, are full of pitiful princesses upon whom unfair fates are bestowed by malevolent fairies. The best, we are told they can hope for, is a long phase of hardship and adversity, followed by a series of more pleasing developments that eventually make everything feel as if it was worthwhile.Why someone who must be wrong, feels so sure they must be right.

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