Saturday 24 May 2014

You can't fly, you can't see through walls - so does that mean you have no super-powers? Perhaps it just tells us that you can't waste time showing off silly tricks or looking for short cuts that you can take to achieve power or status. Yet, were you not born with laser-guided intuition and impressively fast intelligence plus an incredible capacity to withstand hardship and even thrive under adverse conditions? Conspiracies are very rarely conscious. Most deceptions involve unconscious co-operation. People with a deep desire to believe in a fanciful view of the world will go to great lengths to support others with a similar delusion - acting entirely out of instinctive recognition, not logical or cynical strategy.Some people won't go anywhere or do anything for fear of getting into trouble. Others are even more afraid. They run as far as they can in an attempt to leave their shadow behind. But no matter where we go, our shadow goes with us. We can't escape it but we can accept it.

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