Friday 23 May 2014

 If you are doing something that you know how to do, how much help do you require? You may well still need a little assistance. Some moral support never goes amiss and often, even experienced operators do better if the atmosphere lends itself to greater concentration. You are not out on a limb, you aren't clutching at straws or attempting to achieve the impossible. You are just doing something that is a little tricky. Show sufficient respect for the nature of this challenge and encourage others to do the same.
Why do so many bad things happen? Why does the world seem so harsh? It appears that way because it isn't that way! The 'many bad things' are If you are doing something that you know how to do, how much help do you require?  We react disproportionately because we are created by the cosmos to exist in a world that cossets us with care and comfort. Love is the first port of call in every heart. Kindness is the default setting in every human being's attitude. We are shocked if we ever encounter anything else. 

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