Does it seem to you as if every time you take a step forward, you find yourself having to take another step back? Are you beginning to get frustrated by developments that seem exasperating and unfair? These annoying factors actually represent your greatest blessings. Once a little more time has passed, you will start to see that all those irritating situations have arisen for a good reason that is linked to a pressing need to re-evaluate an agreement or arrangement. You will come out of this process much better off.It's rethink time. Again. Why does this seem to come round so often? Because we need it to. Because if nothing ever obliged us to stop and look at it again from another angle, we would just see everything, all the time, from the same old perspective. Comforting though that may sound, it would be very bad for us. So, you see, you should be glad, even of the chaos and craziness that now seems to be surrounding you. Want another reason to be glad of all this? It's about to give rise to a great opportunity,avail that!
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