Wednesday, 23 October 2013

We all want to be supportive to one another whenever we can. Don't we? We certainly understand the importance of supporting those who, we hope will show support to us. Yet often, it seems the way in which we are required to be supportive is to join our friends in attacking whoever or whatever is destabilising them. This, in turn, causes the alleged perpetrator to demand yet more support from their supporters. Somehow, you need to be helpful whilst helping to maintain a wider understanding of a sensitive situation.How smart are you? Perhaps we should take a straw poll amongst your colleagues and companions and investigate how many of them hold you in high regard and how many secretly suspect your judgement is flawed. Would this give us useful insight? Actually, it wouldn't. History is full of fated fools and scorned savants. Your own genius is diminished if you aren't clever enough to recognise it! Allow, today, for the possibility that you could be wrong. But allow too, for the more likely possibility that you could be right!

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