Thursday, 31 October 2013

Sudden change is rarely quite as sudden as we imagine. Mainly, it is more rapid than immediate. We get some notice, we just don't quite get enough. And  most definitely not predict sudden change in life, any time soon. But one can foresee the kind of change that rolls into your world and demands a great rethink of existing priorities. When you come to look back on it, years later, you may feel that it was sudden. But you will also feel that it was timely and deeply beneficial. Don't rule it out of your calculations.
There is great satisfaction to be gained from creating order out of chaos. Yet there is always a risk that if chaotic energy is too carefully contained, it will build up pressure until it blows the lid off that container. And if a chaotic force is somehow neutralised, then it may lose much of what once gave it a very special kind of magic. You can't, for example, hope to achieve structured spontaneity or regimented inspiration. Some forces must just be allowed to forge their own path. Be careful what you suppress.

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