Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.' So said the great author C.S. Lewis. But he also wrote wonderful children's tales in which the laws of time and space were frequently contravened for dramatic effect. When he took them through the wardrobe, he encouraged young generations to envisage ways in which they need not be limited by a conventional view of time. Don't underestimate your ability to work such magic now. Opinions. They're ten a penny. Or is it twenty these days? The currency of commentary is subject to shocking inflation. Not only do we all have our views, we have our views about other people's views. And they, in turn, take a position on our position regarding their position. That's not so much escalation as exponential growth! Yet what real value to you are any of your opinions now? Deep in your heart, there's a true, simple insight. But to see it, you must trust what you feel, not what you think.

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