Tuesday, 15 October 2013

There are poverty stricken millionaires and wealthy paupers. Really and truly, there are! Or at least, there are as long as we apply only a strict financial definition to the idea of affluence. Once we have proper respect for the idea that it is possible to be rich in spirit. That statement makes perfect sense. But who wants a life full of kind, gentle, loving sensitivity when there are Ferraris to be driven and diamonds to be worn? A-ha! I thought you'd say that. This will bring you the most appropriate kind of reward.
We are never far from what we need and what we need is never very far from us. And if we can't see this or we don't believe it, it doesn't necessarily do us much good. It is a bit like what happens when you lose your keys. If you convince yourself that they must have fallen out of your pocket while visiting a friend several miles away, you may not even properly investigate the places that are much closer to you. Pessimistic thoughts can do that kind of thing to us. Don't let them spoil your mood and time. What you need is near.
According to conventional wisdom, plans should always be made on the basis of available information. We must gather facts, consider feasibility, contemplate drawbacks, then act on the result of all this intelligent research. It sounds really smart, doesn't it? What a shame that life isn't always like that. There are some things we can think about forever. But we will still only be guessing. And the first guess, stemming from a simple hunch, is likely to remain as good as any other. Where logic won't guide your instinct will.
Each day  I've been encouraging you to imagine yourself in a strange situation that has arisen suddenly and dramatically. What should you do? How should you act? The reality of what you face now, may not be quite so mysterious. You probably feel that you know very well how some circumstances have come about. But you still aren't sure about the best choice to make. So let us be clear. You need to remain wary of things that you can neither fully control nor understand. 

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