Sunday, 20 October 2013

What will you do if you know what's good for you? You will clarify that you really do know what's good for you! The world is full of people who don't really know what they need. They make assumptions based on what they fancy or what they imagine they might benefit from. Or maybe, even on what it seems as if they might be likely to get. After all, what's the point in wishing for something that is probably unavailable? But then again, how do we ever really know what's unavailable?
 Don't limit yourself.For some people, a sense of adventure is a route to success. The desire to discover what will happen drives them on to experiment. Even if not everything turns out well, that which does makes it all worthwhile. Others feel less of a need to be 'hands on'. They figure that they can easily guess the outcome of Plan A or Plan B, so why bother actually implementing it? But you don't now know as much as you think you know and you won't ever know, unless you try. If you do try, you will like what you learn.
 Conventional wisdom tells us that we all perform better when there is plenty of competition. The argument goes, that if we imagine ourselves to be in an unassailable position, we become set in our ways. We stop striving to better ourselves. We are not interested in innovation or even appreciation. There is no motive to rectify wrongs or redress imbalances. All true enough. But when we focus too hard, we begin to lose track of who we really are. Nobody can hold a candle to you!
How do artists know what to paint? And what about composers? Where do their tunes come from? Poems, stories, great inventions, grand designs? Are they all derived purely through a process of logic and common sense? Creativity is a magical thing. It doesn't follow conventional rules. Indeed, you simply can't facilitate inspiration with legislation. Cynics and sceptics may doubt its existence just as much as they question all claimed psychic gifts and visions but this week, an inner-voice will be your greatest guide.

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