Saturday, 21 December 2013

Expectations make a big difference. When we set them too high, we court disappointment. When we pitch them too low, we rob ourselves. We seize the first opportunity we see, on the assumption that it will probably be our only one. Thus, we miss the chance to get something better. It's now all too easy to misjudge a situation.
Imagine a pauper pushing their possessions around town in a cart. A kind millionaire sends a motorbike to take them to a bank where they can help themselves to gold. The pauper refuses to board the bike because they cannot bring the cart. If you now see yourself as the pauper, your fixed ideas as the cart and this  time is excellent, if unplanned for, opportunity as the millionaire's motorbike, you've got the analogy... and the gist of my advice. Have the wisdom to recognise a positive possibility. Expect wisely and make efforts in positive ways to get what do you want.

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