Sunday, 22 December 2013

One day, there will be a flash of light and the people of this world will see the obvious. Till then, we will all continue to feed one another's insecurities. We will carry on feeling guilty because we are less than perfect. We will keep pursuing impossible dreams to distract us from our frustrating realities. I dare not predict a date when we all learn to love ourselves for who we are and become gloriously enlightened. But I will predict a time when you, at least, become able to transcend much that is unsatisfactory. Some dreams fail to come true. But with the benefit of hindsight, we can see how we were lucky to have had our wish denied. When the wrong dreams become a reality, we are left feeling very compromised. The most dangerous dreams of all are the ones that leave us with unfulfilled ambitions. Those dreams haunt us and, unlike ghosts (which tend to remain largely in one place), they follow us wherever we go. You are now being shadowed by a fantasy you can't shake off. 

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