Friday, 13 December 2013

On Monday, we had you tied to the train tracks. By Tuesday, you were being held hostage up on the roof. What new silent movie melodrama awaits you now that it is Wednesday? Surely you don't deserve to be caught in a cavalcade of chaos that's leading, so inexorably, to an avalanche of anxiety? Isn't  supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment? Why, of course it is. And, of course, a crazy set of circumstances can't continue much longer. In the very next reel you'll emerge triumphant!Digital images are made of tiny little blobs of light, in a range of colour combinations. There are millions within the pictures taken on even the cheapest smart phone, millions more in posh cameras. Yet there are infinitely more microscopic particles that go to make up the biological fabric of the likes of you and me. Given all this, it isn't hard to see how, within every human being, there has to be at least one tiny spark of something good and golden. And there is more than enough in you to make something wonderful happen.

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