Friday, 22 November 2013

In many polite societies, meetings are preceded with an exchange of questions. One person asks the other, 'How are you?' The second, then asks the same as the first. The problem with this protocol, is the habitual answer that has come to be expected. We feel that we are only ever supposed to say, 'Fine thanks.' It is a nice, short, response that allows everyone to then get on with their business. But perhaps, today, you ought to find out how someone else actually is, before you go too much further into a discussion.  I have been suggesting that you are not just as 'special' as any of the other seven billion humans now alive on this earth. But, somehow, more 'special' and thus are entitled to  support. It doesn't make sense when you stop to think about it but then, nor do the notions of infinity or eternity. They are beyond our comprehension but that doesn't make them invalid. You owe it to yourself not to tie yourself up in knots of logic, when you should be setting yourself free to surf the sea of serendipity. 

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