Sunday, 10 November 2013

 The world is full of people who mistrust one another. They say one thing to our face and another behind our back. We, in turn, cannot help but be similarly multifaceted. There are people whom we love but do not like. People we like but do not love. People we love to hate. People we hate to hate... even though we find it very hard to love them. We apply different priorities when dealing with each of these categories. Life now brings a discovery about how a certain person really sees you... and how you see them.

Some people have a small amount of talent and a great deal of self-belief. Others are practically prodigies yet they doubt themselves - and their abilities go all but unrecognised. So, what are you better off being, assertive or able? Can't you be both? Why of course. The balance, though, needs adjusting in your world now. You feel that, within an important relationship, your level of experience and aptitude ought to be more widely appreciated. Begin to change this by giving yourself more of the credit you deserve.

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