It's one thing to refuse to face a fact because this then allows you to indulge in an enjoyable fantasy. It is another when the consequences are likely to prove expensive or deeply uncomfortable and this could have been avoided if only you hadn't been quite so naive. Positivity is always better than negativity. Trust is always more worthwhile than suspicion. But realism is not always the same thing as pessimism. As you now assess a tempting possibility, you need to consider it with as much objectivity as you can. A voice of common sense is playing upon your sense of obligation. Another is playing upon your sense of adventure. The question is not, 'Should you conform or rebel?' it's, 'Why do you even feel, in the first place, that life must involve doing what others demand of you?' Life now offers you a chance to free yourself from a thankless task, a duty performed out of misplaced loyalty and an involvement that is wearing you down. Always let your conscience be your guide by all means, but don't let it be your prison guard.
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