We do, for our loved ones, what we might never dream of doing for ourselves. We bravely go beyond barriers that we might otherwise be trapped behind. We fight battles, make calls, challenge authorities and negotiate agreements about which, on our own behalf, we would be much more inclined to shrug our shoulders and accept. New instalment in the soap opera of your life, involves a close companion who is now going through a time of great tension. You can help them; they can help you. Everybody can win.
Your bathroom mirror may not yet be reflecting a different image - but then, we always notice change in others before we see it in ourselves. It is our friends and loved ones who say to us, 'something is really changing in you', because they tend to spot the signs long before we do. So, if you really want to know how much wiser you are growing, how much more attractively confident you are becoming and how your ability to attract success is positively radiating out of you, ask someone close by. You ARE blossoming.
Everyone seems to be expecting something from you now. You are keenly conscious of your obligations. Understandably, you want to do all you can, yet you must recognise the danger in trying to do too much. Even if you go that extra mile, there will still be a further mile to cover. Make as much effort as you comfortably can, then resolve not to worry. You don't need to be superhuman. You simply have to be yourself and be sincere. A problem that now looms large will soon fade away all of its own accord.
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