Sunday, 10 November 2013

Some factor in our emotional life may making us feel both excited and nervous.Because we are finding it hard to think about anything other than this burning issue. This is not too surprising considering the way that it has been smouldering away for so long better not to give  concern any more attention, but we should not act with too much haste. No matter what suddenly changes, or how much pressure we may encounter, time will be in our side sooner or later. Nothing has to happen in too much of a hurry.
 Some people like to be all 'sweetness and light'. They only say nice things. They keep away from conflict. To some extent, at least, this is all an act. A cop out. A technique of avoidance. Should you now be making a greater effort to be polite and pleasant? You would far prefer just to be honest. An important friendship or involvement when becoming strained. Be brave. Get the issues honestly out into the open and you stand a chance of clearing them up. Sweep them under the carpet and they will fester.
 You would like your emotional life to get back, if not exactly to 'normal', at least to a pace that you find you can more easily relate to. Right now, it seems as if you are caught up in a situation that you can't really see the point of. You are tempted to extricate yourself from it before it gives you an even greater headache. But actually, a genuinely constructive process has been taking place. Things are about to change and improve, naturally. So relax as best you can. Simply be willing to let some time pass. 

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