Saturday 7 December 2013

We love to read about makeovers. We are fascinated by celebrities who reinvent themselves. Or by brands that change their image. Or by people who can somehow manage to stop leading one life, and go off in some different direction. We know we cannot turn back time, but we still hope that maybe we can find a way to fix the future so that it shines a very different kind of light on the past.Some events in emotional and personal life provide us power if don't fear what's changing. 
Just as a knife can cut you if you pick it up by the wrong end, a flight of fancy can take you soaring on wings of inspiration or bring you to the cliff edge of panic. Some events will stimulate your creativity, giving you energy. Meanwhile, you will benefit from some convenient coincidence. You will find yourself, almost by magic, in a situation that suits your mood. That's good if you are setting out to do something constructive. But watch out. If you dwell on false fears and suspicions, you may turn these into realities by mistake! 

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