Monday 9 December 2013

All projects and processes stall sometimes. The causes of such difficulties are not always easy to identify. But at least when they are mechanical or electronic, we can eliminate the possible problems, until we find a logical solution. But things become different when we are trying to understand matters of a more emotional, interpersonal nature. Why, for example, does this person often act like this, when it would be more helpful if they behaved like that? If you truly seek the solution to such a conundrum, you may find it.

Pace yourself you need to pace yourself. I'll say it again, one more time. You need to go at an easier pace now, There. The very fact that I've made you read the same things three times should have helped to slow you down. Not that you're rushing. In a way, it would be better if you were. At least then, you wouldn't be chomping at the bit, bemoaning the apparent lack of opportunity for progress and worrying that you ought to be doing more. Really, though, you needn't be so concerned.Sugar and spice and all things nice. That's what little girls are made of...' So goes the old playground rhyme, along with its equally sexist counterpart, 'Slugs and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of.' But as anyone with even an intermediate qualification in human biology will confirm, this is wildly inaccurate. The challenges and opportunities alike help you to discover what you are really made of. You will soon see the most undeniable evidence that you are made of the right stuff.

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