Monday 9 December 2013

We may all speak the same language but that doesn't mean that we understand each other. Issues of tone and nuance can vastly alter the meaning of a sentence. And when two people have a long-standing relationship with each other, they can even begin to feel as if they know each other's repertoire so well that they can tell what the other person is about to say as soon as they open their mouth, so they don't even really have to try and listen,it finally becomes possible to get an important message across.To be a successful politician, it is not just necessary to have a clear grasp of philosophies and principles. The aspiring campaigners must learn how to make themselves seem trustworthy and believable. That ability doesn't always come naturally. It takes hard work to acquire the social and psychological techniques that are likely to inspire others to have confidence in them. A disagreement between you and someone else now is not political in essence. It simply involves the need to overcome an almost visceral misgiving.

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