Monday 9 December 2013

Here is something to contemplate as you assess the outlook in your emotional life. You will never, in all your life, have so much as a single day during which all problems vanish. Problems are a permanent part of everyone's landscape. Like mountains, rivers and other fixed features, they just have to be accepted and even admired or appreciated. They certainly don't have to stop you from feeling happy. In a weird way, your biggest 'problem' now is a direct side-effect of your greatest asset or advantage.
No sooner have you solved one puzzle in your emotional life than it seems you are faced with another. A new set of problems is causing you to think hard about where you are heading. They will also, though, cause you to feel more inspired and excited about your prospects than you have felt in a long time. Whatever else you encounter now, you won't experience much disappointment. Wherever you feel that someone or something needs to change, give yourself permission to change yourself instead.

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