Sunday 8 December 2013

Passion is always attractive. Even if it's expressed in a negative way or it is attached to some dubious, dangerous idea, it has a kind of hypnotic fascination. Passionate people somehow seem more alive. They radiate an intensity and power. You could easily become very passionate about something now. If, though, you want a result more than you want a passing drama, you won't give in to that temptation. You'll resist that urge and take a look at what's really, truly wise. And then, you'll apply your passion to patience! People, it seems, just can't resist the urge to tell each other what they think and feel. They rarely care how accurate their views are. They are happy just as long as they have a chance to make a grandiose pronouncement. How are you supposed to gauge the relevance of the information you are now receiving? Are you being spun a line or told the truth? You can't tell from a tone of voice - nor even from the look in someone's eyes, but something deep down in your heart can tell the difference.

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