Sunday 8 December 2013

The logical world is a very dull place. There's no room for magic in it. Reason reigns supreme. Reason, though, makes a rotten ruler. A dreadful despot. A tyrannical ogre. It forbids all fun! It won't allow spontaneity. It won't even permit emotion. Logic does not legislate for love - or for phantasmagorical things leaping suddenly up out of the blue and filling our hearts with joy and wonder. So here's what you now need to ask yourself. Do you want excitement and enjoyment? Or to wallow in a very tedious form of safety?They say you should never look back. But what do they know? It's actually time to take a good look at the past. Contemplate previous triumphs and consider, too, your less-than-triumphant moments. What conclusions can you draw from these? How can the future be made to contain more fulfilment and less frustration? What do you regret about the way you once handled a situation? In your emotional life, you are getting a kind of second chance. Use what you've learned and you will yet be very glad of that lesson.

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