Monday, 2 December 2013

Talk is cheap. That's why TV networks often fill their schedules with debates. Opinionated people are happy to be given a platform. They rarely need to be paid. And we are all fascinated by arguments. The more we hear people expressing extreme views and ideas, the more we can then turn to our friends saying things like, 'Did you hear what so-and-so said?' Yet there is a big difference between what people tend to say and what they actually do. That will work in your favour. You will certainly find it helpful  to think of yourself as a secret invisible angel, whose very presence creates opportunity in the lives of all who are nearby. Even if your own life doesn't seem particularly well favoured, you have a profoundly positive influence on others. Meanwhile, in your world  something that seems unremarkable or perhaps even downright undesirable, is serving a secret purpose. Strong support is always nearer than you think.

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