Sunday 8 December 2013

The best things in life are hard to get. The more effort you make, the more you feel you have earned them. This in turn, enables you to fully appreciate them. In one area of your personal life, you are now rather like an artist, staring at a blank canvas. You're really not sure where to begin your picture. If, though, you commit yourself to a couple of almost random brushstrokes, and trust that these have happened for a reason, you'll start to see the outline of a structure. Once that emerges, you will soon start to produce a masterpiece.Must life always be difficult? Have we really come here to be punished? It may sometimes seem that way, but it is not the whole story. Think of the way the tide goes in and out. Everything in this world has a rhythm, a pattern, a shape and a cycle. In your emotional life, a different era is beginning. Forget whatever you have been wrestling with. Think no more about the way that things have been. You are about to be pleasantly surprised by a change that seems small at first till you see how far it has the potential to take you.

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