Sunday 8 December 2013

 Dare you rewrite the rules? Of course. You wrote them in the first place, didn't you? There is your dividing line. You can alter, with impunity, any boundaries that you have set. You defy, at your peril rules that others have imposed. Ask what the consequences will be and decide if you're willing to take them. What you will find is that by rewriting your own rules, you can get past most (though not quite all) of the obstacles you now face. If you can be courageous in all matters of the heart now, you'll gain rewards.In the realm of your emotions now, nothing is quite as it should be. That, though, in a strange way, is exactly how it should be! There are times when it is right for some things to be wrong. If everything seemed to be just fine, you would be getting a false impression and, in the long run, this would be much more problematic. Currently, sources of tension and trouble in your life are making themselves undeniably obvious. At least, that way, you know where they are. Soon, you will also begin to see what you can do about them.

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