Tuesday 10 December 2013

When you are at the top of your game, there are few who can beat you. So swiftly and so smartly, you find solutions for all your problems and strategies to implement at every turn. Yet none of us can be in permanent peak form. We have our ups and our downs and, during the latter, we become vulnerable. The moment we begin to fear that we are standing on unstable ground, the slightest tremor begins to feel like it could be an earthquake. But all you have to do today is trust that you are in a safe position and all will be well.
Little is quite what you wish it could be. Much is not even as good as you feel that it ought to be. But how much is truly as bad as it could possibly be? We all tend to dwell on disappointments and become conscious of factors that are imperfect. Those of us who have been  notorious for bestowing a tendency to swing to extremes, are perhaps more vulnerable than most to this syndrome. But for all that one factor is now making you most unhappy, another soon stands poised to fill you with delight.

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