Monday, 20 May 2013

 Even if you like to think of yourself as 'ordinary', you are blessed with an exceptionally creative mind. At one level of life at least, your reactions and ideas are anything but predictable. You love to explore new possibilities and to see situations from different angles. That's why you sometimes find yourself in trouble. You can't resist exploring avenues that others would feel inclined to steer well clear of. Are you now going too far? Of course not. You are doing what's right for your emotional life. This is right for you. Trust that. 
Who or what is 'the real you'? Who are you when you are not trying to 'be' anyone? Or when you are not feeling obliged to play out a role based on the expectation of someone you have a relationship with? We get so caught up with the image of ourselves that we feel we ought to portray and the things we can sense others want from us that we lose track of our truest, deepest, inner-identity. Yet something, right at the essence of your heart now, wants you to acknowledge a need that it is almost too easy to dismiss.
Remember all those religious stories about cities under siege? Whilst I would not presume to have the ultimate interpretation of any such tale, there surely must have been some intention to signal a symbolic message. If you put yourself in a highly defensive position, then no matter how well you keep up your guard, sooner or later, something or someone will get through it. Somewhere in your world now, there's a determination to protect a situation that has long since gone stale. Maybe it's time for that campaign to fail. Strong leaders make many enemies and admirers during their years in power. But they don't care. They believe passionately in their policies. All strong characters attract criticism. You now need to demonstrate your commitment to a particular principle. You can't expect this to make you universally popular. But nor should you be ashamed of what now means so much to you. This can brings the chance to make a big leap of faith. Never mind what others think, follow what you feel and keep your nerve.  
Soap operas are the ultimate example. They ramble on, from week to week and year to year. A truly successful series will go from decade to decade. There is never a grand finale. No final curtain call. No moment of comforting completion or rewarding resolution. Just one clear instruction is given to the viewer. Tune in again, this time tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. Is that what you want your emotional life to be now? In one key area of your world it is possible to draw a line. It will take courage. But it will be worth it. 
In the days before the internet, I remember hunting, for years, for a particular recording of a special piece of music. Every time I went to a record shop, I would scour the shelves. One day, I actually found what I was looking for. It gave me such a sense of triumph. I took it home, played it, enjoyed it as much as I had imagined I would but still, next time I went to a record shop, it was as if there was something missing from my life. Quests can be addictive like that. Might you now be looking for something you have already found? You may not be feeling exceptionally ecstatic. It is, indeed, quite possible that a mood of intense aggravation has begun to descend upon you. This won't be helped by continual exposure to astrological forecasts explaining that great, joyous, life-changing developments are happening as we speak. It probably seems to you as if a key situation is messy, and getting messier. Give it a little longer. The true picture is much more inspiring, and it will soon make itself very clear. Meanwhile, be philosophical about a little mess!
 Do you have a reason to feel proud? You do. While all in your world may be far from perfect, you have done something smart. Had you not reached a clear decision, things would be a lot worse. You know this but you still feel inclined to be hard on yourself. That's partly because you don't want to relax your grip on a situation that needs a lot of sorting out. So sort it out. But relax as you do so. Because you've already proven that you have power. It is simply a question now of exercising it wisely. And that, you can easily do.Appearances can be deceptive. But then, so can disappearances! Often, we think something has gone forever from our lives only to discover that it has been in hiding. That may be a cause for celebration or a reason for great concern. Not all absences are undesirable. But then, not all presences are pleasing! This is time,puts you back in touch with some old friends. It presents you with the chance to choose whether you fully want to renew a connection, or sever it. Don't be fooled by how things seem. You CAN choose.
 Is there no sense of ceremony left in the world? Are we all now oblivious to any activity that doesn't take place on TV? It seems as if we live in a 'so what?' society. There just isn't as much magic around as there used to be. But there is. It's just that we have to look a little harder. No great opportunity is about to bow down and offer itself to you. But if you now saddle-up your horse and ride out through the ranch of possibility, you may yet lasso a real potential change to your emotional life and bring it home behind you.Some of the world's most civilised cities were once little more than shanty towns. Often, their initial growth was triggered by some kind of a gold rush. Fortune hunters would flock from all over the world. Only slowly did fair rules for co-existence emerge. It took even longer to find credible ways to police such places. Yet, for all their danger, such frontier towns had a certain attractive edge. The question in your life now, is how to keep alive a pioneering spirit, even if some checks and balances must be applied..'This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.' That's what sadistic schoolteachers used to say before launching themselves into an act that today, would be considered despicable child abuse. Their statement, though, may not have been quite as hypocritical as it sounded. Whenever we knowingly cause pain to others, no matter how justified we believe our actions to be, we inflict far more damage on ourselves, you have a choice. You can be 'right' or you can be 'big'. Be big. Be sympathetic. Be kind.
We do what we do when we have to do it! We don't do it before we have to do it. And if we don't have to do it, we don't do it! Well, not the big stuff, anyhow. We may engage in all kinds of indulgent activities that seem pretty serious at the time, but when it comes to major life choices... well, they only happen when they need to. If, looking back, we can't see why they needed to that's because our memories are selective. Trust what has recently happened in your emotional life. And trust what it seems to be leading to next! Comfort zones? We all have them and we all, reasonably enough, prefer to stay within them wherever possible. But there are some gains in life that can only ever be made by risking (or indeed, actually experiencing) a degree of discomfort. If we don't set ourselves challenges, how do we expand our horizons? And when life sets challenges for us, it may just be a little churlish to complain. Try to recognise, with gratitude, the opportunity that you are being presented with today.

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