Monday, 6 May 2013


We desperately trying to disguise the fact that we have failed to offer peace as a solution or as another option. War has become a habit so war is satisfying. Mind is root cause of evil and good things and thoughts. Mind alone can make a heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven.
The world  has been the same as it is now and the world troubles you not because there is something wrong with the world but because we do not know how to handle it. Just like electricity is a great boon if you know how to contact it. It is a tragedy if you don't know how to handle it.
Out attitude is self centred, hence the world agitate us. We are constantly making some demands instead of holding the attitude of service-in the service of all. We are more interested what is happening to us rather than the welfare of the community.  We are happy when things are turned the way we want  but the world would stay the way it is. Attachment is root cause of all miseries.Life without goal has no meaning so decide the plan of actions.
One should be as humble as dust before we can discover the truth.
Home is supposed to be a place where we could find peace and happiness and not a battlefield where two armed forces are ready to fight. A happy marriage is sharing,caring and raising a family together. Now when both partners are working,women is demanding more without compromising demanding their rights,job satisfaction and monetary benefits.
Space is needed by both partners,less friction more appreciation give more chances of happy and long married life. People have positive attitude for self and their life spend in maintaining,enhancing and protecting self-esteem. Now everyone is busy in re-inventing life.
Everybody needs help from everyone. We do not weave the web of life,we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
Peace comes within when we realise our relationship-oneness with the universe and all  its powers. Greate spirit and its centre is everywhere-it is within.

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