Saturday, 11 May 2013

Let us stop to think about lakes and oceans. How are we supposed to tell how deep they are? Even when the water is perfectly still, we can gain a deceptive impression of what lies below - and where. The same can be said of people. Some appear to be terribly deep, but once you scratch their surface they reveal themselves to be surprisingly shallow. And vice versa. This is a time of revelation and, ultimately, inspiration. Avoid making too many judgements and assumptions. Be receptive to a pleasant surprise. Silk and sandpaper. What a combination,
 when you need to take the rough with the smooth. It's not a hardship, as long as you recognise the difference between the two and set your expectations accordingly. There are some factors you are uncomfortable about and others that are indisputably good. Take a closer look at those problems. They all have their advantages or their hidden opportunities. Be courageous enough to start looking for them, and they will become smooth too.
You know more than you think. Not only have you read, heard, absorbed and understood more than you realise, but you have your inherited memory to draw on. There are some things all human beings know, instinctively, if they stop long enough to listen to their inner voice. Your intuition is good. Your feeling can be trusted and the smattering of knowledge you have picked up, is not as patchy as you imagine. You will gain impressive confirmation of this, if you respond to this opportunity confidently enough.
Despite the numerous occasions on which you promise yourself  that from now on all will be different.Do they get to lead quiet ones. Now, before you start to feel sorry for yourself, I should point out that if, by some magical chance, your life were suddenly made easy or quiet for any length of time, you would soon start to feel uncomfortable. You are a pioneer. You did not come to this Earth for a holiday; you came here to learn and to help others with their lessons. What you face now is tricky. But it is also very right. Rise to your challenge. 
When is a problem not a problem? When, most of the time, you can forget that you've got it. Or when it is forcing you to do something that needs to be done - and that you can only gain from doing. So, when is a problem a problem? When it is eating up so much of your time and energy that you can think of nothing else. When it is causing you to feel swamped or to lose all faith. When you are no longer enjoying life, you have to do something. You could, though, try resolving to continue enjoying life, regardless.  
'How much power do we really have? There are occasions when we long to say that we believe ourselves to be capable of achieving almost anything. There are other occasions when we just can't get anything together. It begins to seem as if the fates are conspiring against us. In truth, though, we are neither servants nor masters nor victims nor perpetrators. Our relationship with the universe is an arrangement between equals. Sometimes, we must do its bidding, but sometimes it must do ours. This  time you get to call some shots.
Respect is rarely given to those who are smartest, brightest or wisest. Accolades are instead heaped upon those whose endeavours are just slightly better than mediocre. It's the short neck syndrome. Most folk can't crane far enough to spot the truly tall poppies so they focus on the flowers that are just above their own heads. Thankfully, it is not applause that you seek this week. You merely want a result. That, you can have, as long as you don't mind letting someone else take the credit for an idea that is really yours.

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