Sunday 8 December 2013

This may be a sensitive time in your relationships, but at least you have some to work with. Others may be working their stuff out on you, but it's just as true that they're working out their feelings for you and with you. I suggest you give anyone who fits this description plenty of space and time to reach a point of equilibrium, and see if you can practise the skill of not taking any of it personally. That may be challenging, since it's all so personal. I'm not suggesting you be detached; just hang loose, and watch what develops. Are there only two ways of doing anything in this world? Is one 'the wrong way' and the other 'your way'? Sometimes, but every so often, though, you come across a factor that needs careful appraisal. An overly hasty dismissal of some sincere suggestion can cut you adrift from the shore of certainty and cause your boat to float with the ever-changing tide of regret and self-justification. You are being asked, to tie yourself to the mooring of someone else's opinion. You can't do that lightly, but if the reasons are right, you can do it.

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