Monday 9 December 2013

 There is an old saying 'You win some, you lose some.' Are you set to lose something now? If you are winning enough of the ones that count, it hardly matters. It may not be possible to score a success in every endeavour you want to undertake. But as long as you now prioritise the most important issues on the agenda in your emotional life, you can ensure that under a positive cosmic climate, you will be able to protect whatever you care most about. And as for the rest, well... you may not do too badly there, either!
 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' That's a fine maxim, which we can all profitably apply. But what if something IS broken? What if it just isn't working? Then, of course, you have to try to put it right. It's obvious. Isn't it? If, in your emotional life now, you are putting up with an unsatisfactory situation because you don't see what choice you have, then you've got to wake up, smell the coffee, and go through all the inconvenience of dismantling and rebuilding whatever is wrong. 

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