Sunday, 21 April 2013

Is there someone in your world who is pushing their luck? Do you feel as if you are being taken for granted? Don't you deserve more respect, consideration and co-operation? I'm only asking all these questions because something starts to change as we approach the lunar eclipse at the end of the week. Where a situation has been unacceptable, you can either find a way to accept it or to change it. Try the latter first. Even if previous efforts to bring about a difference have so far failed, you may find that times have changed.We all dream of being rescued, saved, gently tapped on the shoulder and shown the secret escape route. We all imagine that someone, somewhere, is just waiting to step into our lives, see the trouble that we have got ourselves into and say, 'There, there, never mind. Take my hand, let me look after you and I'll lead you to a nice safe situation.' Does it ever happen? Well, it is not entirely unheard of! Might someone be about to do this for you? Perhaps. But just while you are waiting, look for what you can do for yourself today! I

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