Monday, 22 April 2013

When you wish upon a star, it doesn't matter who you are, your dream comes true.' That's what Jiminy Cricket sang to Pinocchio. Who are we to argue with that? Although it raises a questions about the mechanics of implementing such a system. How does the star know who is wishing on it? How does it organise the fulfilment of those wishes? Isn't that a lot to expect of a celestial body? But then, we are talking here about heavenly help - and that's a subject that always defies logical explanation.There is no such thing as a grand plan. This may sound like a strange thing for an astrologer to say. Isn't it my job to tell you that you can be ready for it? Well, not quite. On the great stage of the world where the actors all improvise without a script, there are certain changes in the set,  What you do with that attention is your choice.No matter what you do, you will soon discover that there is someone who thinks that you should have done something else. Whose approval do you secretly seek? How much might this be motivating some of your most important choices? You can't be neutral about a delicate, sensitive, situation. You have to have an opinion, a preference and a point of view. Then, somehow, you need to tread a fine line between standing up for yourself - and not striding so purposefully forward that you end up knocking other people overs the world essentially safe and secure? Or is it inherently unstable? And never mind the world in general, what about your world? Your personal situation? Is that solid as a rock? Or like some poorly constructed building, could it all topple over with the first short, sharp, gust of wind? There's no definitive answer. Ultimately, the conclusion you feel most inclined to reach is as reliable as any conclusion that anyone else can reach. But now at least, the likelihood of some dramatic sudden shift is very slim. I can help you recognise and understand what's about to happen. Needs and desires are dangerous things for independent people to have. They turn them into easy prey for those with manipulative intent. A persuader simply has to find out what their subject secretly hankers after and then associate their offering to that passionate aspiration. You even do it to yourself sometimes. You make yourself promises to help get you through tricky tasks using those needs as 'bait'. Could you now be close to the fulfilment of a dream - one, perhaps, that is not quite ready to come true?

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