Don't close your eyes, just because there is something that you don't feel comfortable about seeing. Open them. Look more carefully at the very thing that you might prefer to ignore. Even if all you do is look carefully and conclude that there is nothing else you can do, at least you will have checked and your conscience will be clear. And if there is something you can do? Do it! It will turn out to be easier than you think. You simply need to get on top of a matter that has recently been getting on top of you.It doesn't have to be an uphill struggle. You need not feel as though everything is against you. There may be forces that you fear, factors that you wish you could change and problems that you just can't see how you will ever solve. But that doesn't mean that everything is going to go wrong or that your worst fears will come to pass. Whilst it may not be good to live in denial, it isn't good, either, to be so keenly conscious of an unsatisfactory situation that you can't ignore it, even for a moment.
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