Sunday, 28 April 2013

Many people like to make plans and then stick to them rigidly. If they say, 'This is going to happen at this time and that is going to happen by then,' they gain satisfaction from discovering that things have turned out just the way they expected them to. And if events oblige them to adapt to some new version of reality, they become frustrated and exasperated. But surely, it is far better to live in the realm of magical, positive, spontaneity than to cling to some depressing view of how things have to be. Today brings you freedom
If somebody doesn't think you are wonderful, whose problem is that? Who is the person with the lack of judgement or the poor taste? Who needs help? And who should we feel sorry for? I'm not suggesting that anyone holds such an opinion of you now, or that they will do soon, or that they will ever have reason to. But if you do find yourself starting to sense a little tension in some area your personal life soon, you need to make sure that you meet it with compassion, forgiveness and understanding, rather than outrage! 
Who is your harshest judge, your hardest task-master and even, under some circumstances, your worst enemy? Let us not say their names. It is better for us to keep quiet and simply look at one another knowingly. You are fully aware of the person I am talking about. You see them enough times, whenever you pass a mirror! How odd that they should bear such a resemblance to you! You might think that someone so similar would grant you more grace, help you find easier ways to get through life's challenges. Perhaps, now, they will.
If somehow, you have powers that rival those of Harry Potter or Hermione. How can I possibly say such a thing? Don't I know that wizards and witches are just figments of the imagination? Well, actually, I know that you and I are just as capable of doing magical things. It's just that usually, they happen more slowly. But it is completely appropriate now, for you to see yourself as someone who can transform an undesirable situation.
How are you?' The moment anyone asks us this, we say, 'Fine thank you. How are you?' We say that we are 'fine', even when we are far from fine. We ask the other person, 'How are you?' even when we could not care less. Often, too, we tell ourselves that we are 'fine', even when deep down, we are much more on edge or unnerved than we realise. Now before you can get to where you really need to be, you have to become a little clearer about where you actually are. The upshot of this honesty will be most rewarding. 

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