Some people borrow without the ability to pay their debt. Ironically, the most creditworthy tend to be the ones who rarely seek help, even when they need it. As with money, so with matters social and emotional. Half of us are busy making promises we cannot possibly keep; the other half are busy keeping promises that ought never to have been made.It is no longer quite so necessary to be on your guard. You can go, if not from 'condition red' to 'condition green', at least to the point inside yourself where only an amber light is flashing. Raise a sceptical eyebrow when you hear questionable or contentious statements being made, but be willing to give a little benefit of the doubt. Though some people are still willing to say anything as long as it doesn't involve conceding the truth, others are most definitely prepared to be genuine, honest and sincere.
There may be one or two things that you have forgotten to do. This is entirely understandable. You have had a lot on your mind of late. Still, though, it is time to attend to outstanding business before further tardiness leads to a liability. Don't be drawn in to the first drama that demands your attention. Set and stick to your own agenda and make sure that you keep on that list a plan to go back over recent promises and expectations, and start fulfilling these. That will all prove to be easier than you think. I can help you recognise and understand what's about tohappen.When the wolf is at the door, the first priority must be to make him go away. Some events are so intense that they overshadow all others. Likewise, for example, pain. If something hurts, physically or emotionally, it's very hard to ignore it and get on with the rest of your life. Something now is taking more time and energy from you than it really deserves. The good news? You are about to find a way to get it under control. Don't dismiss a newly emerging possibility as too far-fetched.
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