Tuesday, 2 April 2013


You don't really want to keep going round in circles. Why take the long, scenic route when there is a perfectly viable short cut? Even if you are somehow, seemingly benefiting from a convoluted arrangement or a complicated situation, what does that advantage amount to? Wouldn't it be far outweighed by the fruits, rewards and savings of pursuing a simpler plan? To You just need to look for a better way to do what you are already doing? There is a very strong likelihood of success, if only you start to undertake this search. 
If you plant apple trees, you will eventually harvest apples. They won't fill your pies this year or next but in the fullness of time, if you tend the crop with care, those are the rewards you can expect. Now, imagine wandering through an orchard, looking at all those apples and saying, 'I don't think much of the trees around here. They are not producing anything that's interesting or surprising.' If you want the future to be different to the past, you must now be brave enough to instigate a new idea and patient enough to stick at it.
 In a buyers' market, those who have something to sell must lower their prices. In a sellers' market, where the goods are in short supply, profits can be made by those who hold stock. But wise traders know that markets have a tendency to be cyclical. Some go back and forth like the tides, others come in and out like the seasons. So some sellers give their buyers good deals, even in tough times in the hope that this will be an 'all-weather relationship'. In your life now, a process of negotiation deserves more attention.
Some chords invariably sound sad. Play them and any tune will sound poignant and wistful. Some combinations of shape and colour can have a similar impact on a picture. Artists who wish to crank up the pathos, know how to make the most of these resources. But just because a story can be told in a gloomy voice, we can't assume that things are quite as bad as we are being told. If you want to brighten up a situation today, just remove some of the factors that are making it seem more dismal than it needs to be.
 In most cities around the world, the crime rate has been falling for the last few years. It has nothing to do with politicians, their policies or their police forces. It is happening almost everywhere and some experts suspect that the explanation is the advent of unleaded petrol and thus the improvement in air quality. People may behave better when they are not being slowly poisoned. Yet, still, most of us worry about being robbed as we did before. What are you now worrying about, even though it almost certainly won't happen.
 Imagine a cinema where the bulb in the projector needs changing and thus the image on the screen is faint. The surround-sound system isn't working well either. You can hardly hear what anyone is saying. How are you going to enjoy the movie? Good and bad films alike deserve to be well shown. So, whatever else you could complain about now, at least we can't find fault with the intensity of an unfolding drama. It is powerful, if nothing else. And you are about to encounter an aspect of it that you find surprisingly pleasing. 
Just think how much worse things could get. Just imagine the kind of trouble you could end up in. Never mind what's going wrong now, consider what will change if only a few more situations deteriorate. Actually, don't. If you have already started, stop! Stop regardless of whether you have only just started since reading these lines or if you have been succumbing to such gloomy thoughts for quite some while. Think instead about how well things could turn out. Those are not just happier ideas, they are much more relevant..
 Old-fashioned comic books are full of crazed villains and mad scientists on a mission to conquer the world. But where do they all come from? Where did they go to school? What were their parents like? How on earth did they manage to turn so relentlessly, determinedly, bitter and bad? If only they could have been caught earlier and given a little psychotherapy before they started to create their evil empire. Think of the trouble that could have been averted. You can now take a tense situation and make it worse or easier.  
New cars, homes, even cookers come with a manufacturer's guarantee. If things don't work as we expect, we feel entitled to request immediate assistance. So, what's going on with Planet Earth? None of us made it. Nor, despite what some ardent atheists passionately believe, did it make itself. But then, where are the maintenance visits? Why don't the people who live here always get the help they need? Is the place just too old and thus out of warranty? Actually, it now looks as if some of your more recent prayers have been heard. 
 Many people like making deals. 'If you do this, I'll do that,' they say to each other. They enjoy this so much, that they hardly care what it is that they have to accept or trade off, as long as there has been some interesting discussion and negotiation. Perhaps this is why the world is full of notoriously bad arrangements. They don't really suit anybody. They could have been so much more cleverly thought-through. But a deal was done and that's what matters. Isn't it? Or is it? It is time for you to fight for a better agreement now. 

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