Why are so many things in this world so desperately, miserably, unfair? And why does it seem as if they have been this way since time immemorial? Can't whoever created this planet be beseeched to come back and finish what they started, fixing the bits that clearly can't have been designed to work in the way that they now appear to be working? It is odd how our willingness to accept the existence of the divine links so directly to our own sense of justice (or injustice). But you will soon have your faith restored in fairness.Camels do wonderfully well in the desert. They can survive harsh climates and tough conditions. Yet neither are they cute or comfortable. It may well be wise for you now, to avoid making one compromise too many. Now THE big changes in your life, What you can expect to happen are sure to happen.
When some people feel vulnerable, they comfort eat. They allow themselves far too many foods that they really ought not to indulge. Nor can we really say that they gain any real relief or reassurance from this. It is not as if comfort eating bestows genuine comfort. Much the same can be said for many of the ways in which we seek compensation from the iniquities of existence. You need to get to the real root of an issue, if you want that issue to be resolved. The good news now is, that really can happen .Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that you want to travel from Sydney to Melbourne. So you go straight to the airport and board a plane to Brisbane. From there you go to Kuala Lumpur, where you change for London, then Toronto, Tokyo and finally, Melbourne. Now, what's wrong with that? It might be a most enjoyable journey, as long as you stop long enough to visit each city and can afford the fares, the hotels and the time away from home. But you may need to look harder for a more direct way of going about things.
Ideas are like fruit that grows on trees. Most of us seem happy enough to gather up the windfall or take the ones that are easiest to grasp. But some of us use ladders, ropes, even carefully positioned trampolines to get hold of loftier, more remote notions. Sometimes we miss them, drop them or discover that they are not ripe yet. We must wait patiently for their time to properly come. But every so often, our efforts to think that little bit further and to strive hard to understand complex points, result in strokes of genius. Explore the orchard.Things were very different once upon a time but were they really any better? Haven't we always looked back wistfully to view the past through rose-tinted spectacles?
If we ever were to invent a time machine and set the controls for yesteryear, we might end up jostling for space with other time travellers who are similarly bewildered by the disappointing disparity between the reality and the memory. It is not 'how things were' that you now need to get back to; it is 'how things could really be' that you now need to see.In any process of give and take, there must be a similar amount of giving (and taking) on either side of the equation. If one person makes all the sacrifices while the other just reaps all the benefits, there will inevitably come a point where a line is drawn and a change is made. The key question you must now ask yourself is, 'What am I getting out of a particular arrangement?' You may also care to consider what someone else is gaining from that exchange. Something seemingly unreasonable can yet be made fair.We could, discuss the things that seemingly aren't working out for you in the way that you might wish.
We could consider whose fault this is and whether there might be constructive steps towards attaining more satisfactory results. But I am reluctant to take us too far down this path because I suspect we will waste time and energy. The question is not, who is to blame? Or even, what has gone wrong? It is simply, can you recognise a new opportunity? You becoming able to see that, matters more than anything else now. Can your current story truly have a happy outcome? Isn't it destined to end in tears of sorrow, rage or frustration? Well, as a matter of fact, there is no reason in the world why events can't take you to a peaceful, comforting, reassuring conclusion. But that's a bit like saying, 'You are on a roller-coaster. The ups will be intense, the downs dramatic and the fast bends may terrify you. But, ultimately, the ride will stop and you will climb out in one piece.'
Even if there are aspects of your situation that you now find hard to accept, hang on tight. You may be very clever but intellect is not everything. Folk who are extremely adept with words and numbers, often sorely lack basic common sense. Nor is a high IQ any indication of a high EQ. Who on earth wants an overdeveloped brain and an underdeveloped heart? Life now offers you a golden opportunity to become more emotionally well-rounded and to make choices that confirm the depth of empathy and understanding that you are capable of showing. Rise to that challenge. It is the only one that matters.
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